Posts by Isaac

Announcements · Blog

Local Politechs Strategies is now LPS Campaigns

In April 2009 Henri Makembe and I teamed up to start - a blog about the intersection of technology and politics. After a few years teaming up on freelance website projects we decided to formalize our work as Local Politechs Strategies. As our reputation grew our work expanded beyond websites...

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A responsive website will pay for itself

More and more people are accessing the Internet through their mobile devices. One Pew study found that, “nearly two-thirds of Americans are now smartphone owners, and for many these devices are a key entry point to the online world.” Mobile viewers want to be able to find information quickly...

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Blog · Case Studies · Project Launches

One Fair Wage

This spring we created a new website for One Fair Wage, the Restaurant Opportunity Centers United's campaign to make sure all workers are paid a living wage. The new website is fully custom and focused on engaging users. There are quick action items on the right side of the site...

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Blog · Case Studies · Project Launches

Martin O’Malley

You Only Get One Chance to Make a First Impression When we were tapped to build the O’Malley for President website we knew that we needed to produce something that would make a good first impression. Martin O’Malley was set to launch his bid for President and it would...

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