Posts by Henri


UPDATED: Who to follow on twitter to get started on Gov2.0

Sometime last week, a friend emailed me.  He had just accepted a new job in Federal agency and was going to play an integral part to revamping to their website and possibly their intranet.  Knowing that I’m twitter addict, he asked that recommend a few folks on twitter that...

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Best of Links – Week 1

Let’s face it, I’ve not really had the chance to write as much as I want to on this blog. Part of it is a due to work and part of it is due to time. This is something that I will look to correct in 2010.  I am...

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The Revolution will not be televised – A review

Shortly after I turned my last paper for school, I wanted to pick up a book that had nothing to do with business, ethics, finances or leadership — which had constituted the bulk of my reading for the better part of the last two years.  I knew I wanted to...

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10 Local politcs and government SXSWi Panels to vote for.

If you don’t know, the last day to vote for your a South by Southwest Interactive (SXSWi) Panel it tomorrow. To that extent, I browsed through the panels and picked out panels that  dealt with local politics government and had the potential to be both informative and interesting. I’ve...

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