UPDATED: Who to follow on twitter to get started on Gov2.0

By Henri Makembe on 01.15.10

Sometime last week, a friend emailed me.  He had just accepted a new job in Federal agency and was going to play an integral part to revamping to their website and possibly their intranet.  Knowing that I’m twitter addict, he asked that recommend a few folks on twitter that would get him caught up on the latest and greatest  on Gov 2.0.  After thinking about a bit, I came up with the list below.  It’s by no means definitive but only a start. By following the people below, you will inevitably find other people to follow who are just as bright and working on very cool projects.

Jeffrey Levy – @levyj413.  Jeff was one of the organizer of Gov 2.0 Camp here in DC.  He is also on the Federal Web Manager council. He provides first hand account of working with technology at a gov agency.

GovFresh – @govfresh.  A gov 2.0 newsfeed. If it’s gov 2.0 related, it’s going to be on Govfresh.com

Steve Radick – @sradick.  Social Media Lead at Booz Allen Hamilton.  Steve has built a great team at BAh and seems to be doing great work.  What is most appealing about Steve is his candor.  When everyone in the gov 2.0 community is signing praise to one another, Steve will not hesitate to point how much more work needs to be done and help move the conversation forward.

Alan Silberberg – @you2gov.  Alan is one of the people organizing Go2.0 Camp in LA.  for more information about the camp, check out the website at go http://gov20la.org/

Lovisa Williams – @lovisatalk. Straight out of the State department, Lovisa is full of knowledge about what the gov is doing abroad to work directly with various population abroad.

Heather Miller – @hmiller23.  Working at PhaseOne Consulting Group, Heather played part in the launch of the much-praised data.gov.  She continues to work on very interesting project.

Walter Neary – @wtneary. As City Council member in Lakewood, WA, Walter focuses on Gov 2.0 at the local level.  He is also one of the conveners for opengovwest.

Dominic Campbell – @dominiccampbell /FutureGov – @futuregov – Dominic and his team at FutureGov publish a must-read blog posts of links on a daily basis.  The links contains article about innovation in the gov 2.0 space here at home as well as across the pond.

Steve Ressler – @govloop.  Steve is founder of GovLoop, the largest social network of government employers and contractors.  Certainly worth being a part of is you’re trying to learn more bout the community. And once you sign up, invite me to your friend.

Sunlight Labs – @sunlightlabs.  Headed by Clay Johnson, @cjoh, the folks are Sunlight Labs are doing some pretty incredible stuff. As their name suggest, their focus is on transparency and data portability.

That’s my list.  Who did I miss? Who would you have recommended?