Posts by Henri


The Christian Science Monitor may have reached the right conclusion using the wrong data… but does it matter?

I’m a few days late on this but a few day ago, The Christian Science Monitor (CSM) recently ran a story titled“Social media domination: Republicans rule Twitter.” Relying on a recent study by congressional research service (CRS), Peter Grier, the author, reaches the conclusion republicans members of...

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In case you missed it: My first guest post On

I spent a week in Massachusetts helping the Coakley campaign.  After the loss, a slew of blog posts and news articles were written analyzing the online component of the race.  However, I felt that they all lacked something – an insider’s perspective.  I sought to expand on the commentary...

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Best of Links – Weeks 3 & 4

Due to some light post on the twitter during Week 3 (I was in MA lending a head to Coakley), I decided combined week 3 and 4.   Without further ado, the best links for week 3 and 4 are the following: 1. They Gave Us The Beatles, We Gave...

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Best of Links – Week 2

I have been voluntering for Coakley in Massachussetts since thursday. Thus I have not had a chance to complie last week’s best links. I will include some of them in next week’s edition. Apologies for the delay.

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