Posts by Henri


10 Things Everyone Needs to Have on Their Website (and Where Everything Should Go)

Yesterday, I had the priviledge to speak on a bi-partisan panel at theĀ Politics Online ConferenceĀ withĀ Katie HarbathĀ (NRSC),Ā Michael TurkĀ (CRAFT Media) andĀ Nicole AroĀ (DNC) on a Panel put together and moderated byAlex KellnerĀ (Blue State Digital). During our presentation, we tried to 10 things...

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My picks for Politics Online Conference #POLC2010

The politics online conference kicks off tomorrow.Ā  I will be missing Monday (to cheer for my girlfriend running the Boston Marathon ā€” Iā€™m very proud of her) but speaking on Tuesday.Ā  As always, I like to list the sessions that I think would be helpful to...

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Worst campaign websites of 2010

In the last 10 years, the price tag for a decent website has drastically dropped.Ā  Moreover, the internet has increasingly been touted as the great leveler between campaigns flush with cash and those running on fumes.Ā  Countless applications...

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Five ways to find local bloggers

As Tip Oā€™Neill once stated, ā€œall politics is local.ā€ But if weā€™ve learned anything since the 2004 presidential election,Ā  it is that thanks to the advent of the internet, all politics is viral.Ā  Given these two facts, itā€™s understandable...

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