Posts by Henri


Join me at the #CampaignTech Conference

The Politics Online conference is back…. Well sort of.  The name, the place, the host and the  sponsors have all changed but it still has the line up a great conference with some good speakers (yours truly included) and a chance to network. Hosted by Campaigns & Elections magazine,  the inaugural 

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Blog · Project Launches

Howard County Democratic Party Site redesign

Over the years (not lately), I’ve been making the point that local candidates and local parties should use the internet more effectively to communicate with their constituents.  A little over a year ago, Howard Country Democratic Party chairman, Michael McPherson, reached out to me to help him do just...

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Integration of Social Media and Mobile Websites & Apps

Cross-posted on the Beekeeper Group Blog Last month, I had the pleasure of speaking to the web content mavens on the integration of social media and mobile websites and Apps. As I created the slides I tried to emphasize the following points: Mobile is a growing part of how people...

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Integrated GOTV: Getting Out the Vote Online

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to be a presenter for NOI’s New campus GOTV series. My presentation centered around integrating in a campaign’s GOTV efforts.   Conscious integration of your online presence can boost your efficacy and reach, and help your campaign expand capacity in many ways. In the slides,...

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